Coached by Postpartum Exercise Specialists
The Crossover Symmetry Postpartum Program will help you safely regain strength and stability following your pregnancy.

Step by Step Instruction
Guided steps and video instruction will keep you motivated and encouraged to tackle the next step of your fitness journey and better prepared to take on the challenges of motherhood.
Durable Home Equipment
The entire program can be done from home using the Crossover Symmetry Bundle, which includes bands for both upper and lower body training, and delivered entirely through the Crossover Symmetry Mobile App.

Recover Strength & Stability
Heal and regain the strength needed to confidently jump back into workouts and your favorite activities.
Coached by Postpartum Exercise Specialists
The Crossover Symmetry Postpartum Program will help you safely regain strength and stability following your pregnancy.

Step by Step Instruction
Guided steps and video instruction will keep you motivated and encouraged to tackle the next step of your fitness journey and better prepared to take on the challenges of motherhood.

Durable Home Equipment
The entire program can be done from home using the Crossover Symmetry Bundle, which includes bands for both upper and lower body training, and delivered entirely through the Crossover Symmetry Mobile App.

Recover Strength & Stability
Heal and regain the strength needed to confidently jump back into workouts and your favorite activities.

Equipment Package
Crossover Symmetry is more than durable resistance bands and quality attachments. It also includes the education and training to get great results and meet your fitness goals.
Package Includes:
- Heavy & Light resistance bands to target different muscle groups for both the upper and lower body.
- Quality attachments to use at home, the gym, on on the road.
- Education & training to walk you through every step of the program.
- Program support and fast delivery to keep your training on track.

Equipment Package
Crossover Symmetry is more than durable resistance bands and quality attachments. It also includes the education and training get great results and to help meet your fitness goals.
Package Includes:
- Heavy & Light resistance bands to target different muscle groups for both the upper and lower body.
- Quality attachments to use at home, the gym, on on the road.
- Education & training to walk you through every step of the program.
- Program support and fast delivery to keep your training on track.